Receive a $500 Clean Fuel Rebate
As an electric vehicle (EV) owner, you’re contributing to a cleaner energy future by fueling your vehicle with electricity. PG&E customers with EVs are eligible to receive a $500 Clean Fuel Rebate for their use of electricity as a clean transportation fuel.
Learn about the Clean Fuel Rebate program
The Clean Fuel Rebate comes from a State of California program called the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). The Low Carbon Fuel Standard is fighting climate change by encouraging the adoption of clean vehicle fuels such as electricity. PG&E earns credits in the program when customers use electricity at home to charge their electric vehicles. PG&E returns the value of these credits to its electric vehicle customers through the Clean Fuel Rebate.
Find out about the eligibility requirements for the Clean Fuel Rebate
- You must be a PG&E customer with an active residential electric account. As the account holder, you may also apply on behalf of an EV owner in your household (or tenant in a multifamily household) with the vehicle owner’s permission.
- You must own or lease an eligible plug-in electric vehicle or have permission from the vehicle owner to submit the application.
- Your vehicle, identified by its unique vehicle identification number (VIN), must not have already received the Clean Fuel Rebate under the current owner or any previous owner.
- You must have paid the vehicle’s current registration fees and your vehicle must be registered in California to the address on your PG&E account.
To apply directly via PG&E website click here:
Original website: https://www.pge.com/en_US/residential/solar-and-vehicles/options/clean-vehicles/electric/clean-fuel-rebate-for-electric-vehicles.page